Motyvacinis pokalbis su priėmimo komisija stojantiems į Fizinės geografijos mokslo krypties (N006) doktorantūrą

Motyvacinis pokalbis su priėmimo komisija stojantiems į Fizinės geografijos mokslo krypties (N006) doktorantūrą vyks 2021 m. rugsėjo 20 d. 10 00 val. Vilniaus universiteto Chemijos ir Geomokslų fakulteto Geomokslų institute, Hidrologijos ir klimatologijos katedroje (adresu M. K. Čiurlionio g. 21/27, Vilnius, 319 auditorijoje).

Atsižvelgiant į esamą epidemiologinę situaciją šalyje, motyvacinis pokalbis su priėmimo komisija gali būti vykdomos nuotoliniu arba mišriu būdu. Kandidatai apie pasikeitusias sąlygas bus informuojami telefonu arba elektroniniu paštu.

Stojamojo pokalbio į Fizinės geografijos mokslo krypties (N 006) doktorantūrą vertinimo komisija:

  1. Doc. Donatas Pupienis (VU) – pirmininkas
  2. Prof. habil. dr. Algimantas Česnulevičius (VU)
  3. Prof. Darijus Veteikis (VU)
  4. Asist. Dr. Rita Linkevičienė (VU)
  5. dr. Darius Jarmalavičius (GTC)
  6. Prof. Inga Dailidienė (KU)

Konkursinio balo sandara (SV* 20% + PĮ** 60% + MD*** 20%) ir jų koeficientai:

*Diplomo priedėlio pažymių svertinis vidurkis (SV),

iki 10 balų

20% (diplomo priedėlio svertinis vidurkis – 40% ir baigiamojo darbo įvertinimas – 60%)

**Pokalbio įvertinimas (PĮ),


iki 10 balų

60% (pokalbis – 60% ir doktorantūros studijų mokslinis projektas -40%)

***Mokslinės patirties ir mokslo darbų įvertinimas (MD),

iki 10 balų

20% (Mokslinės patirties ir mokslo darbų įvertinimas)


Minimalus stojimo balas – 7,5.

Stojantieji iki 2021 m. rugsėjo 17 d. doktorantūros priėmimo komisijos pirmininkui doc. Donatui Pupieniui ( turi atsiųsti „Doktorantūros studijų mokslinį projektą“ pasirinkta tema.

„Doktorantūros studijų mokslinis projektas“

Doktorantūros studijų mokslinis projektas rašomas lietuvių kalba arba anglų kalba. Mokslinio projekto apimtis neturi viršyti penkių A4 formato puslapių, įskaitant iliustracijas bei naudotos literatūros sąrašą (spausdinimo šriftas 12, atstumas tarp eilučių 1,5 intervalo ).

Moksliniame projekte turi būti šie elementai:

  • temos pavadinimas,
  • temos aktualumas ir ištirtumas,
  • planuojami tyrimų tikslai ir uždaviniai,
  • tyrimų metodai ir duomenys,
  • siektini rezultatai,
  • naudota literatūra.

2021 m. siūlomos fizinės geografijos doktorantūros temos:

Vadovas: prof. E. Rimkus (

Kompleksinių klimato įvykių formavimasis ir pasikartojimas rytinėje Baltijos jūros regiono dalyje / Formation and Recurrence of Compound Climate Events in the Eastern Part of the Baltic Sea Region

Research Topic Summary:

The increase of extreme climatic events that are driven by different climate drivers and lead to a wide range of hazards can be related to climate change. The combination of processes (climate drivers and hazards) leading to a significant impact is referred to as a ‘compound event’ (Zscheischler et al., 2018). In this case the risks of meteorological anomalies need to be considered in an integrated way. Such an approach has only emerged in recent years and scientific studies are just beginning.

Increase of reoccurrence and extremity of climate and weather extremes is also expected due to climate change. Therefore, better understanding of compound events may improve projections of potential high-impact events in future climate (Zscheischler et al., 2018). It is very likely that the number, intensity and impact of Compound Climate Events (CCE) will also increase. Therefore research of CCE forming processes is of great importance as it can be used as a basis for adaptation to climate change policy.

Compound effects of multiple drivers cause the most of climate-related catastrophes. Therefore we are going to analyses very different types of CCE and related hazards: drought & heatwave (damage to agriculture and human health); precipitation & wind extremes (damage to infrastructure); extreme temperature & air humidity (damage to human health) etc.

The aim of the research is to evaluate regional features of genesis, composition and reoccurrence of Compound Climate Events in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea region.


Vadovas doc. G. Stankūnavičius (

Klimato kaitos įtaka regioninių orų anomalijų sąsajai su vyraujančių atmosferos cirkuliacijos tipais Baltijos regione / The Climate Change Impact on the Relationship Between Regional Weather Anomalies and Prevailing Atmospheric Circulation Types in Baltic Region

Research Topic Summary:

The objective and subjective classifications of atmospheric circulation currently used in Europe represent typical large-scale pressure, temperature and / or wind field modes that have impact on regional or local weather anomalies. These relationships can be used for analysed as well as for predicted atmospheric fields.

Such relationships between atmospheric circulation types and weather anomalies in different European regions/ countries were summarized during the COST 733 activity, which ended in 2010. In recent years more scientific papers more frequently discuss if the same atmospheric circulation conditions lead to different weather anomalies due to climate. Therefore the proposed theme would allow to answer the question how formation of weather anomalies (various types) has changed due to specific large-scale atmospheric circulation conditions (circulation types) during historical period in the South-Eastern Baltic region. The expected research results are directly related to the diagnostics and prediction the climate change impact effects on the relationship between atmospheric circulation and local/ regional weather.

Vadovas doc. E. Stonevičius (

Makrofitų analizė Nemuno baseino vandens telkiniuose naudojant palydovinius duomenis / Analysis of macrophytes in Nemunas River basin water bodies using satellite data


Research Topic Summary:

Macrophytes are an important part of the water body ecosystem involved in the accumulation and metabolism of mater and energy (Bowden et al., 2017). Macrophytes are sensitive to eutrophication processes (Madgwick et al., 2011) and therefore well indicate the current ecological status of the water body (Bukelskis, 2016). The macrophyte abundance and taxonomic composition are among the indicators used to determine the ecological status of water bodies according to EU Water Framework Directive (European Parliament and Council, 2000).

Macrophyte monitoring is time-consuming and resource-intensive, thus during recent years there are attempts to estimate they distribution, abundance, and species composition using satellite data. The use of satellite data is probably the only possible method for estimating long-term macrophyte change in water bodies, as long-term in situ observations are available in limited number of water bodies.

Remote observations of geophysical or biophysical indicators have a high degree of uncertainty, so it is very important to continuously improve the methodology of observations and to assess possible sources of uncertainty. Methodological improvement usually involves the analysis of the spectrum of reflection from the studied objects and development or refinement of radiometric indices.

The aim of the study is to analyse the distribution and dynamics of macrophytes in the water bodies of the Nemunas River basin. Study will contribute to the development of a methodology for monitoring of macrophytes using satellite data and for the first time will map distribution and change of macrophytes in larger than 1 km2 water bodies of the Lithuanian and Belarusian parts of the Nemunas Basin.

More detailed information about PhD studies is given on Vilnius University page